1st Playboy Day

Event Details
Boston, MA
United States
Event Dates and Times
Time Zone (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Sunday December 1, 2024
12:00 AM  - 11:59 PM Add to Calendar
Today we celebrate a diverse array of occasions, including Basketball Day, Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day, Civil Air Patrol Day, Clark Kent's Birthday (Superman), and World AIDS Day. We also recognize the importance of Antarctica with Antarctica Day and honor the strength and courage of Rosa Parks on Rosa Parks Day. Additionally, we commemorate the impact of art with both International Maratheftiko Day and Day With(out) Art Day. And to top it off, we have special days to appreciate both Faux Fur Friday and Secondhand Sunday. Lastly, let's not forget to pay tribute to meteorological winter and Playboy Day. But most importantly, let's embrace and support artists on Artist's Sunday.