According to KISS member Gene Simmons, who recently appeared on Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin News" podcast, the current state of rock music is not looking promising. He has expressed his belief that newer bands are facing an uphill battle for success due to a flawed business model and a sense of entitlement among younger generations towards free music. In fact, he boldly declares that rock may have met its demise.

The demise of rock and roll can be attributed to the entitlement mentality of some individuals, such as the freckled-faced kid living next door. Despite being a good kid from a good family, he believes he has the right to freely download and share music without repercussions.

It's fascinating to see how some fail to grasp this concept. They might say, "Why bother? You're wealthy enough to not care." But imagine being a hard-working individual, whether it be as an author, a grocery store employee, or any other profession, and not getting compensated for your efforts. Then you begin to understand. It makes you wonder, "I put in the work, why am I not being paid?" This is the unfortunate reality for new artists, and it truly saddens me. To hear more of our conversation, check out the uncut interview below: