
The Stranger in Your Bed: A Relationship Check-Up Inspired by Billy Joel
This relationship check-up reveals how to spot trouble—emotional distance, secrecy, mood swings—and what to do. Learn when to act, how to talk, and when to walk, so you’re not left loving a stranger in your own bed.
Some Pretty Petty Reasons Given To Stop Dating Someone
There are people who do not date someone with an Android when they use an iPhone. They see that green text and it's immediately an issue for them. Yup, that's petty!
Do They Like You?
Signs to watch for and tell if someone is interested in you!
Feelin' Some Good Vibes!
How to Know how someone feels about you.
Bad Romance
Gene Myers
What do you do when you’ve given as much of yourself as you can, and it isn’t enough? How do you proceed? Do you hang in there and keep trying? Become more aggressive? Do you move on? How much is too much?
Separate Rooms.
According to a relationship specialist, maintaining separate living arrangements is key to keeping the flame burning in long-term partnerships.
The Dutch date Dilemma
Greetings, ladies! We are faced with a new argument for discussion.
Just Great!
“Just Great! The Smarter You Are, The More Likely You Are To Stay Single.”
Love Is Like...
Sometimes Dating Can Be Like Trying To Find A Cart At A Supermarket Where All The Wheels Work!
Searching For Love, A Friend Or Soulmate
Dating, companionship, friendship
Dream Date
A Ghostly Fun But Short True & "Dream Date" Tale